It's what's for dinner tonight in South America and, apparently, has been for years. These poor little furry rodents are battered, fried-up and savored with a side of rice and black beans. Maybe they wouldn't be so bad with some salsa and a margarita; maybe a few tortilla chips? Yes, that's it! Guinea Pig tortilla soup! voila! *mouth watering* Too bad I don't eat meat. Well, our two little guinea pigs could really come in handy now that we're heading into a recession. Okay, okay I'll just stick to the beans and rice.
C wouldn't appreciate boiled pet soup anyway. Remy and Emile (brothers from the same litter) are fairly new to our household and are a blast to watch. They play, talk to one another and chew on hay just about constantly.......and just when I thought we'd met our quota on poop around here.....
Their names are inspired from the movie Ratatouille. C loves this movie and told me the other day that she wants a chef's hat a.s.a.p.. And just a few seconds after emphatically exclaiming that she will be a chef when she grows-up, she ran to the window and squealed while jumping up and down, "Look mommy, a helicopter!" While I squinted my eyes trying to locate the spec in the sky, Chloe quickly scratched her previous career choice and definitively announced that she will fly helicopters when she grows up instead. I, being somewhat crushed that she so quickly squashed the chef idea, said "You can do both." Again, my hopes were stomped on when Chloe insisted that she only wants to fly helicopters.
I suddenly started to self-analyze and wondered if I felt more bothered by the fact that she's never going to pursue her own show on the Food Network or the fact that piloting helicopters seems so dangerous. Then, the irony of the situation dawned on me....was the universe sending me a message? Was the helicopter a metaphor for something? Yes, but for what? Hmmm.
I'm rushing out now to frantically locate an exact replica of the chef's hat from the movie just after I finish her application to a prestigious preschool called Little Harvard Culinary Chef School located in the posh area known as the Main Line. Cross your fingers!
I'll make sure to deftly pull the blinds closed from now on when that familiar hum of the helicopter blades Doppler their way into our living room. I'll just tell Chloe that the noise isn't coming from outside.....I'll tell her, "It's just the sound of my parenting, sweetie. Now, come in the kitchen, put on your chef hat and apron and start boiling this water for your secret guinea pig *ahem* I mean, secret chicken soup recipe."