We're moving back home to Texas and while I'm ecstatic,
to say the very least, the one regret I will have is the missed opportunity to jog up the Rocky steps, I envision sporting my gray jogging suit, my ipod playing the rocky theme, Atticus (our German shepherd) running along side me and at the top I would jog in place while holding my arms up and clinch my fists like I've just been crowned the
uber light weight champion of the world.
Well, that dream is shattered [wiping single tear from cheek] considering we're catching a one way flight next Tuesday to TX and I'm in the midst of panic packing and waiting on a response from an offer we put in on a house in TX. [crossing fingers and toes]
So long Philly and the Museum of Art. So long spaghetti land. So long Valley Forge and the
posh Main Line (shyeah, right and everyone thinks they have big hair in Texas....you haven't
seen big hair until you've been to the main line) So long yummy pizza and delish ice cream. So long addictive Turkey Hill iced tea. So long occasional snow and nipple-erecting cold nights.
Hello Sunshine. Hello Tejas!!!!!!!!