Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meditating on the Proverbial Manny

The kiddos have been out of town since Thursday and it's taken a few days to train my brain. For example, I was cleaning the house while listening to music (I know, what a vacation) and I swear I heard L chattering in the baby monitor. Also, I'd get out of the mini van and have to reassure myself that I didn't leave them in the car. I'm just about totally cured of my delusions and hallucinations today (sat.) and miss L comes home tomorrow.

The dogs, regrettably, are now SPOILED. (Hey, I guess we had to spoil someone.) Our German Shepherd is now officially the whine gold medalist in our house (he's whining, as I type, with his big red rubber ball in mouth ready to fetch) but when miss C comes home she's sure to regain her title and remain the reigning whine champion. I miss her sweet little munchkin voice.

It's back to mommy-ing tomorrow. I did get loads of laundry done and watched some TV. It was nice doing chores in silence and being able to turn up trance/techno music while working out and not worrying about waking the children. I also drove around and looked at neighborhood prospects for the near future without complaint from the little munchkins who are usually in the backseat wanting/whining for teddy grahams or juice like little junkies jones in' for their next crack fix. Oh, how I miss my sweet little juice junkies but I'm thinking a Manny would be a nice addition to our daily household.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cousins Luncheon...Vivian, Patti, Nicky, Jennifer, Mandy, and Kim

We had fun this Sat. meeting up with cousins for lunch at the new Cheesecake Factory in Allen.  :) Hope to do it again soon! They have the best flavored iced tea ever!