Hopefully I won't bore everyone to death and maybe one or two of you might actually read my blog. Looking forward to finally being a Blogger. That's me to left about six weeks ago looking quite jolly and round.
Wow! I already feel cool! Let me tell you, it's a good thing to get some cool back into your life after two kids and the ever-so-practical mini-van. Yeah, the whole mini-van image is just so uncool...We all know this... but another element...no more cool music either. It seems that all the kid movies and music came with the mini-van in a sweet little kid-friendly package- just a given, right? These days we listen to Little People CD's and The Little Mermaid Soundtrack and I find I'm singing Ariel's ballad throughout the day now instead of something like
"Will the real Slim Shady please stand up...please stand up..." or
"Say Ho, yeah you. Can I ask you a question? You like to f*@#?" (Just a little Too Short from back in the day)
Aaaahhh, It's nice to reminiscence about the long lost days of humming gangsta rap instead of The Little Mermaid whining about wanting to have human legs! (1) Get over it Ariel! All the fish in the sea aren't good enough for you?! If you ask me she's a bit of a mer-slut! You can take all of your whining and complaining about wanting to be human and..... Well, I didn't realize I had such animosity for Ariel- I think we need to take a break and listen to Sarah Lynn, Sonia Lee, Michael, and Eddie for next few days and let me cool down a bit, don't you think? Well, I've finally come full circle, after examining my choice of music these days- I’m feeling a little uncool at the moment. Maybe the Happy Feet soundtrack would be a nice compromise for the mini-van cd player - I think that just might satisfy Chloe and seep at least a little cool back into my world. (2) Happy Feet it is! I'm officially Blogging! Woooohoooo!!!
1.) Okay, okay so Eminem and Too Short aren't technically what one would call your authentic "Gangsta Rap" that's all I could think of, okay, cut me some slack already!
2.) I don't think the baby has big opinions about music yet, although she does get a little more bright-eyed when I sneak in the occasional BB King song. I see her through the baby-in-sight mirror, she perks up and flails her tini arms about as if she's been trying say something all along; almost as if she's trying, with all her might, to start a fire in an effort to send up a smoke signal so she can finally say,
"Yes! this is what I've been trying to tell you lady! The thrill is gone! Gone, I say!"
Maybe this means I should stop breastfeeding now.
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