We made it to the famous Hershey Park this past weekend. It went something like the following:
1. Load mini van frantically to the hilt with so much extra stuff that our neighbors probably didn't guess we were going on a weekend excursion but moving house. But where? In our van down by the river? They know we're from Texas but, come on, some benefit of the doubt would be nice.
2. Stop by the store and buy so much water that you'd think we were expecting the second coming any moment.
3. Also, fill grocery cart with so many greasy, sugary snacks that you'd think I was an advocate for or starting a campaign in favor of childhood obesity. (And adult obesity, for that matter)
4. Rub Chloe down with like SPF 1 million. This sunscreen was very close to the consistency of tar. White tar. She likened Casper the friendly ghost after I was finished with her.
5. Libby gave us a solo performance the whole hour ride.
6. Chloe scarfed down her beloved gold fish.
7. Parked far far away. Kind of like on the movie Vacation only the parking lot was FULL and we didn't run, although I did hear Chariots of Fire playing; was that in my head?
8. We didn't see a Moose at the front either - We did, however see a giant M&M creature/thingy -And I channeled Mr. Griswold for a moment and thought about punching the chocolate drop in its center nutty area after Chloe saw it and kept asking for candy.
9. Sweat our asses off.
10. Drank like a gallon of overpriced lemonade in an effort to quench my primal thirst (in spite of all of the water weighing down the stroller) only to be even thirstier and also sporting the bitter beer face.
11. Watched a bear shit in the woods.
12. Feel very sorry for all of these captured animals. People were staring and pointing at them and banging on the glass. I was hoping that the glass wall would fall and free the gator on the other side. And maybe the gator would've eaten that lady that was tapping on the glass so loudly. (Jeez, I never thought that I would turn into such an animal advocate and be such a tree hugger, in general- maybe I should volunteer for PETA or something.)
13. Last, but certainly not least, watched Chloe have the time of her life!
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