Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Crazy-Eyed Killa
Friday. House inspection day. Good report. Tried new restaurant. Nothin' swanky; kid friendly environment a must. Had a fish bowl-sized Margarita. Hubby had dos. Almost went to look at stainless steel bottom freezer fridges and other various impressive appliances. Didn't make it due to the crazies. I think you know who I'm referring to here.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First day at New Montessori School
C attended her first day at her new Montessori school here in McKinney. (She attended one up in Philly last year) She'll attend two full school days (instead of three half days like last year) each week.
This school is awesome: they practice yoga on Thursdays, have computer lab time, have a green house for gardening, eat organic snacks only and, very importantly, have an awesome art studio/supplies! Public Kindergarten will have a lot to live up to next year.
For now, we are thrilled that we (I) found this school before we moved back from Philly so we wouldn't miss out on enrollment! C loves it! And she insisted on wearing her diamond flip flops to school and one of her friends had on the same shoes (as you can see in the pic.)
Nothing like a cute pair of shoes to hone camaraderie between friends, right.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Property virgins doing some shameless bragging

They accepted our offer on the above McMansion of our choice. (And I mean McMansion in an endearing way b/c, darn it, It's my McMansion :)) We got it at sixty six dollars a square foot so we feel that we're getting an excellent deal. It's not a brand new home (blt 1998) and there's a few things we'd like to change over time, but the bones of the house are fabulous with tons of closet space - which is a must for us b/c it's something we've never really had and need. It's just a great family home with granite counter tops already in the kitchen,which is a plus, and it's got five bedrooms with a game room and a big, flat backyard for the dogs and kiddos to play. It's in a wonderful gated neighborhood with a densely wooded walking/jogging trail and community pool two doors down from us. It also boasts a blue ribbon elementary school that C will attend in a year and L soon after. We have not closed yet, so it's not a done deal but we're really excited, nonetheless! This is, by the way, our FIRST house; wish us luck!
(The pictures show the previous owner's furniture)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
On house hunting
Well, I've finally stopped my obsessive TiVo-ing of House Hunters on HGTV. And yes, after moving nine times in eight years, we're FINALLY house hunting ourselves (minus the cameras). All I've got thus far is.......
When in doubt?
Drink. And drink, a lot.
Of course, don't forget to read a few books to the kiddos, tuck them into bed, walk down and pass the left over mess from dinner. Let your yapping chihuahua in from the back yard as not to disturb the neighbors. Then, with a feral twinkle in the eye, wildly lunge for the wine cabinet, crack open a bottle of wine with a mandatory minimum alcohol content of 14.5 percent by vol. And just for effectiveness sake, have at least two bottles available, people! Open bottle(s) and enjoy!
Yeah, that's all I got right now on house hunting. I'll get back to ya later.
When in doubt?
Drink. And drink, a lot.
Of course, don't forget to read a few books to the kiddos, tuck them into bed, walk down and pass the left over mess from dinner. Let your yapping chihuahua in from the back yard as not to disturb the neighbors. Then, with a feral twinkle in the eye, wildly lunge for the wine cabinet, crack open a bottle of wine with a mandatory minimum alcohol content of 14.5 percent by vol. And just for effectiveness sake, have at least two bottles available, people! Open bottle(s) and enjoy!
Yeah, that's all I got right now on house hunting. I'll get back to ya later.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Gabba Gabba Hey!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Meditating on the Proverbial Manny
The kiddos have been out of town since Thursday and it's taken a few days to train my brain. For example, I was cleaning the house while listening to music (I know, what a vacation) and I swear I heard L chattering in the baby monitor. Also, I'd get out of the mini van and have to reassure myself that I didn't leave them in the car. I'm just about totally cured of my delusions and hallucinations today (sat.) and miss L comes home tomorrow.
The dogs, regrettably, are now SPOILED. (Hey, I guess we had to spoil someone.) Our German Shepherd is now officially the whine gold medalist in our house (he's whining, as I type, with his big red rubber ball in mouth ready to fetch) but when miss C comes home she's sure to regain her title and remain the reigning whine champion. I miss her sweet little munchkin voice.
It's back to mommy-ing tomorrow. I did get loads of laundry done and watched some TV. It was nice doing chores in silence and being able to turn up trance/techno music while working out and not worrying about waking the children. I also drove around and looked at neighborhood prospects for the near future without complaint from the little munchkins who are usually in the backseat wanting/whining for teddy grahams or juice like little junkies jones in' for their next crack fix. Oh, how I miss my sweet little juice junkies but I'm thinking a Manny would be a nice addition to our daily household.
The dogs, regrettably, are now SPOILED. (Hey, I guess we had to spoil someone.) Our German Shepherd is now officially the whine gold medalist in our house (he's whining, as I type, with his big red rubber ball in mouth ready to fetch) but when miss C comes home she's sure to regain her title and remain the reigning whine champion. I miss her sweet little munchkin voice.
It's back to mommy-ing tomorrow. I did get loads of laundry done and watched some TV. It was nice doing chores in silence and being able to turn up trance/techno music while working out and not worrying about waking the children. I also drove around and looked at neighborhood prospects for the near future without complaint from the little munchkins who are usually in the backseat wanting/whining for teddy grahams or juice like little junkies jones in' for their next crack fix. Oh, how I miss my sweet little juice junkies but I'm thinking a Manny would be a nice addition to our daily household.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
My little diet monitor
Me: sticking hand in cheese it box in an attempt to quench my PMS junk food cravings. Just as I had a cheek full of crackers C comments with a very serious look on her face.
C: "Mommy, you can't eat that because you're on a diet and you'll get diarrhea."
I managed to get a few cheese its, but her little comment really made me decide to not eat anymore. Nothing like a dogmatic, candid four year old to keep you on track even if it means grossing you out to the point of gagging and never ever wanting to look at, much less chew on a cheese it again in your lifetime. What ever works, right.
C: "Mommy, you can't eat that because you're on a diet and you'll get diarrhea."
I managed to get a few cheese its, but her little comment really made me decide to not eat anymore. Nothing like a dogmatic, candid four year old to keep you on track even if it means grossing you out to the point of gagging and never ever wanting to look at, much less chew on a cheese it again in your lifetime. What ever works, right.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Skinny Bitch went to South Beach and got a tape worm
We've all been on diets and since the birth of my second child, I've been on more diets than ever. First, I tried nutrasystem. It's too pricey and utterly nasty. Needless to say, I don't recommend that one. Then, I got wind of Victoria Beckham's favorite book, The Skinny Bitch. Interesting read, but I had already been on that diet before the book was written back in the day. I just wasn't' ready to be that strict again. For the past three weeks I've been on the south beach diet and it's working out pretty well. Other than the major prep it takes, it's great. For the past three days we've had a flu like stomach bug and I've succumbed to eating noodles (which aren't on the diet at all). So I'm hoping that this 'bug' is a tape worm. What? You haven't heard of the tape worm diet? I haven't' tried that one purposefully, yet. I just really wanted to stay on track and I just keep thinking about all those noodles that are going straight to my ass! Let's just hope that the tape worm is gobbling them up at this very moment. Cross your fingers.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
It was a two mojito night
It was a two mojito night with the girls. It's great to live in the Dallas area again; I get to see and reconnect with old friends. We went to one of my favorite restaurants ever, Mi Cocina, and then to a Martini bar next door. It was nice to get out and talk about old times (grade school and high school) Lots of laughs.
I can tell we're getting old because we all had two drinks a piece and then left the bar at 10:30 and walked around, window shopped, told gripping, face clinching bikini wax tales and funny breastfeeding stories. And miss Shannon had a couple of very interesting eyebrow stories that involved a razor, a thick black sharpie, cotton balls and hot wax. Good times. Good times. :)
I can tell we're getting old because we all had two drinks a piece and then left the bar at 10:30 and walked around, window shopped, told gripping, face clinching bikini wax tales and funny breastfeeding stories. And miss Shannon had a couple of very interesting eyebrow stories that involved a razor, a thick black sharpie, cotton balls and hot wax. Good times. Good times. :)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A sign that you're on the computer way too much
No secret, we like our computer time in our house and we all know that Daddy is very obsessive *ahem* I mean, fond of his PC and is spotted quite frequently typing away in all of his dual monitor glory.
This morning, as soon as L saw Daddy, she made a bee line for the office and reached for the keyboard, her tiny hands typing away.
She was pretending to type really fast and doing such a good job that she had us convinced that maybe she was a court reporter of some sort in a past life. We were cracking-up at her mock typing and wiping our tears of laughter from our faces when, suddenly, we noticed that she had managed to log off and shut the computer down.
She had a plan all along.
So, we're staying logged off and shutting down all of the computers today and 'logging' into the kiddos. Well, I've got to go sign in. (Password: Family time)
Off to The Taste of Addison to eat, drink, and listen to the Black Crows today!
This morning, as soon as L saw Daddy, she made a bee line for the office and reached for the keyboard, her tiny hands typing away.
She was pretending to type really fast and doing such a good job that she had us convinced that maybe she was a court reporter of some sort in a past life. We were cracking-up at her mock typing and wiping our tears of laughter from our faces when, suddenly, we noticed that she had managed to log off and shut the computer down.
She had a plan all along.
So, we're staying logged off and shutting down all of the computers today and 'logging' into the kiddos. Well, I've got to go sign in. (Password: Family time)
Off to The Taste of Addison to eat, drink, and listen to the Black Crows today!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Portal From The New Jersey Turnpike Would Be So Much Easier...If Only

We've enjoyed our time here in Philly but we're ready to get on the plane tomorrow and fly home to Dallas. Wish me luck with the two drama queens..... Wisely, we've decided NOT to drive cross country with the girls. NOT a good idea! I could just see us now....getting stuck in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike and Chloe having to go potty etc...Stressful. We'd gladly drive to the NJ turnpike if only there were a portal that would spit us out onto the George Bush Turnpike...no such luck though...well anyway.....off to pack.
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