As some of you know, I'm a stay at home mom and I've actually had people ask me with a very perplexed look on their face "what do you do all day?" Oh, I just sit around and eat all day and stare at the walls. That just strikes me as such a rude and condescending question in and of itself and it makes it all the more rude considering the doubtful inflection in their voice. The question obviously stems from a preconceived idea that stay at home moms (sahm) must be bored and lazy. And, frankly, this sort of attitude and blatant pre-judgemental question just pisses me off; as it should. Especially coming from another woman.
Around here I take on many different roles. A more narrowed question would not only be easier to answer but more respectful - like "Do you cook dinner every single night?"
"Try breakfast, lunch and dinner, (we go out about twice a week) and I usually cook three different dinners because the girls eat two totally different things than us."
Or "do you ever get any alone time?
The answer is "very rarely; in the shower, maybe"
Or "what do you do while C is in school? Run errands? Workout?"
"I sometimes blog, have alone time play with Libby, clean or run errands." Instead of "what do you do all day?" Do you really expect me to answer that in one or two sentences? Really? Rudeness. Or maybe just plain 'ole stupidity or both.
I'm certainly no stranger to working outside of the home. I worked through high school and through college and after college. I've done my fair share of working double shifts 12 to 16 hours of waiting tables on my feet all day and night. I've taken on a ridiculous work load as a first year educator and was very successful. Like I said in a previous post; I have a strong work ethic. I bought my first car while in high school. Independence isn't an issue with me; I'm very independent. So these women who shoot the intentional or unintentional silent, glazed-over judgemental glare when I tell them I stay home can come back to reality and kiss my....What? You work in the always prestigious corporate America, you commute for an hour each way everyday for what? To pay your bills is one thing but in order to buy Jimmy Choo shoes is another. I'm by no means a judgemental person but, come on, don't judge me unless you want to be put in your place.
I'm a purist when it comes to a career and if you aren't at your dream job? You're wasting your time. Unless, of course, you have to work for income as many women do and you don't have that weird prideful attitude about working for some corporation who could, let's face it, give two shits about you. These haughty taughties who think they're the bomb and, sadly, mistake themselves as glamorous or members of the Cashmere Mafia because they work in downtown Houston or Atlanta at places like Innetech or Innetrode and participate in a much anticipated Hawaiian shirt/jeans Friday can really get a life; really. Don't get me wrong, jeans Friday is great but drop your holier than thou attitude and stop looking down your noses toward us sahm's just because you choose to be a high powered, Angela Bower-esque career woman.
As I said in the intro, I've had more than one person drop subtle hints and looks about me staying home. Make no mistake, I stay home because I choose to and I feel so lucky to be able to. This job is the toughest I've had and it's been the most rewarding, by far. And I've had many jobs. I'm not going to list everything this dream job of mine entails but a few titles come to mind... I'm mommy, the chef, chauffeur, meal planner, social activity planner, manager, financial co-chair advisor, house-hunter/real estate expert, high-end bargain grocery shopper, garden-keeper, organic farmer, launderer, organizing expert, stain remover, safety expert, maid, dog trainer, potty trainer, pron star, teacher, mediator, fecal matter inspector and expert, community philanthropist, psychologist, interior designer, landscaper, writer, keeper of control and harmony, workout guru, guinea pig whisperer, and much more. Oh, and I get to wear jeans everyday.
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