Saturday, May 10, 2008

A sign that you're on the computer way too much

No secret, we like our computer time in our house and we all know that Daddy is very obsessive *ahem* I mean, fond of his PC and is spotted quite frequently typing away in all of his dual monitor glory.

This morning, as soon as L saw Daddy, she made a bee line for the office and reached for the keyboard, her tiny hands typing away.

She was pretending to type really fast and doing such a good job that she had us convinced that maybe she was a court reporter of some sort in a past life. We were cracking-up at her mock typing and wiping our tears of laughter from our faces when, suddenly, we noticed that she had managed to log off and shut the computer down.

She had a plan all along.

So, we're staying logged off and shutting down all of the computers today and 'logging' into the kiddos. Well, I've got to go sign in. (Password: Family time)

Off to The Taste of Addison to eat, drink, and listen to the Black Crows today!

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