Wednesday, December 7, 2011

May and June 2010!

C's field day

C's preschool graduation

C at a fairy B'day party

Our Memorial weekend trip to Glen Rose

C's preschool performance
My mom and dad's 40th anniversary party that me and my sister threw for them in May.
C's missing tooth! :)
Fossil Rim
Glen Rose ~ swim in the river
Glen Rose Hotel Pool!

Yet another party to host.  On my way to host a baby shower in May.  A. Dawson had to take pics of me b/c I never dress-up this much. We hosted a Halloween party, Christmas Party, Our kids b'day parties (which were so fun that year, but pretty pricy) Plus a baby shower and Anniversary party which were back to back weekends.  I had C's party then the baby shower then the anniversary party the next weekend....  We are all hosted out at this point, but it was fun! (The only pic out of these that are from june is the one of C's missing tooth; I think we were pooped-out in by June!)

Fossil Rim

Hotel pool!

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