Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sex, Cries, and Video Tapes

What I meant to say is no sex and very loud, frequent cries due to our inconsiderate neighbors. And video taping may be necessary.

Why no sex? Well, we're too tired from our neighbors waking us up at 7 am on Saturday mornings! (sometimes they let us sleep in until 8 am and if we're lucky - 8:30am) Which to some people this may seem late, but my kids have always been very good sleepers and used to sleep until 9 or 9:30am. Also, my newborn can't nap peacefully during the day. I'm constantly trying to calm her after she's woken up by the loudness.

Sadly, we don't have the luxury of sleeping when WE want to sleep anymore because of our loud neighbors. We have had to adjust our schedule and go to bed much earlier than we used to. I go to bed at 9:00pm now. I used to stay up as late as 12:00am. But, no longer b/c our schedule is now dictated by our neighbors.

We've contacted the front office of the problem after we talked directly to the neighbors, nicely, about it and still no change. So I've started a log in Microsoft word. I don't know what else to do except to log the happenings. It is so bad that if I were hearing impaired, I would still be woken-up because it vibrates our bedroom as well. (and let me tell you, that's the only vibrating going on in the bedroom lately due to sleep deprivation.)

Documenting these events by way of video tapes may be necessary because it is SOOO loud. Did I mention how loud it is? Am I a hard ass for thinking of video taping? I don't think so. Simply b/c I don't think the neighbors or the front office understand how disruptive they really are.

I'm just not used to sharing walls with people much less people who think they live in a freaking barn or something. I haven't done this since college but at least we understand to be considerate simply b/c we know we live in close contact with others. (by the way, I never had this problem in college.)

Our neighbors seem to just live their lives in spite of us and everyone else. They also know that we have a new baby and they were especially loud the day the front office contacted them in reference to their loudness. My husband and I were shocked at their reaction. Very immature behavior.

But what can you expect from a lady from Jersey who still wears mall bangs and has the look of someone that has just been punched in the face. Harsh? No, not after she's deliberately been loud and refuses to control her loud kids. Besides, I can't help it if she looks exactly like a troll doll. As my sister always says, she's been chasing parked cars. These are the facts, people. I'm just speaking the truth. Nothing against people from Jersey, she's just from some remote place in Jersey that produces rude, troll-like inconsiderate folk. Maybe I shouldn't blame this on place of origin. Maybe this should be blamed on her rearing. WHATEVER! I don't want to spend my time psycho-analyzing mall bangs lady.

This is probably the most boring weblog entry I've done yet. See, every aspect of my life is being affected!

It's so bad that I fantasize about waiting until they're asleep and going out on our upper deck that's right by their deck and next to their master bedroom and slamming loud cymbals together.

Or letting our German Shepherd out there and command him to 'speak' over and over.

Better yet, I should plan a bounding up/down the stairs party and have all of my friends come over in their heaviest shoes, drink a few, then organize a race up and down the stairs. Bounders Unite!

Even more sinister, rent a large animal, like a donkey or something, to trot up and down the stairs when I know they're sleeping. Because, frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they have a bunch of angry swine and more assorted farm animals running up and down their stairs desperately in search of their next meal or something. Yes, it's that loud.

Crazy people. Inconsiderate people. I guess they're just stupid.

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