Sunday, February 10, 2008

Zen 101: Gratitude and Attitude

I went to bed last night feeling gratitude for the many blessings in my life; I mean really feeling them. And I woke up this morning with this unbelievable warm feeling still nestled in the center of my chest. It's a place I've been to before, like after a particularly moving church sermon which delivered a spiritual high that, inevitably, soon dwindled. But it's different this time.

I realize that being so cognizant of the miracles in my life brings forth the attitude that anything and everything is possible and that my dreams can, should, and will come to fruition if I just act upon them in due time. But the beauty of it all is feeling good about yourself and your life right now. It's truly believing that you will accomplish certain things in your life but you have to quash and totally extinguish any internal negative self talk that comes so easily to most of us. It's about feeling like you're already in the place that you so desire and, again, really feeling it. So to the Universe, I say, order up! Oh, and eighty-six on the cynicism or any gloomy outlooks.

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